Amy Butler Creations

Amy Butler Creations is a start-up bespoke tailoring and seamstress company. Amy had a clear vintage style which we wanted to reflect in her branding. Her passion for colour and sweet fabrics had to be symbolised along with a photoshoot to communicate with her audience and attract the right customers using her Facebook Page to…

Festival of Media Global

Festival of Media Global has celebrated another conference last week and so what better way to commemorate then by reminiscing on our project together a few years ago, when I was a senior designer there. This was a great project with plethora of great brands and speakers, if you are in marketing and haven’t attended,…

Mindful Maximum Performance

Mindful Maximum Performance needed branding to build an online presence and collateral to provide to their customers when attending sessions and training. Design Focus gave them a visual voice that they can be proud of and that communicated their core values “Connecting horse and rider naturally”. This opportunity allowed me to produce branding, social channels…

Ocean Farmers

In Madagascar, in a context of a rapidly growing coastal population strongly relying on natural resources, OCEAN FARMERS develops seaweed farming in partnership with local communities and conservation NGOs. By proposing a community-based sustainable farming model to 1,500 farmers over 300 km of coastline, OCEAN FARMERS delivers a concrete solution to marine and forest resources…

Les Dodd Safety Training

Having joined the Fire Service in 1989, undergone a secondment to the Fire Service College then joining Surrey Fire & Rescue Service as a Strategic Manager, Les Dodd had years of progressive leadership and a firm grounding within the Training arena. This inspired him to start his own Safety Training Company and getting in touch…

Roger Mallett

Roger Mallett is a reputed photographer with 20 years experience working for big names such as Hewlett-Packard. He approached me after seeing Sarah Olivia Photography‘s website and wanted a website to showcase his work as he was about to freelancing and needed a platform to showcase his work. We worked together on digital strategy and…

My Club Betting ltd

My Club Betting is a bespoke betting platform for grassroots sport slubs, designed to help them get extra funding as this is a struggle for most clubs. This is customised with the clubs colours and logo, for which I provided POS for the club to recruit their fans/punters to bet there rather than their existing…

My Club Product

This project was to create a new sub-brand for My Club ltd and add to their wide array of products. Creating a new commerce site was the second stage of the project once we had created the brand itself “My Club Product” and need to match the styling we had set up for the My…

My Club ltd

My Club ltd needed a mother brand for all the products it had to offer. Working closely with them over a 3 years period to create a strong mother brand that can carry the many sub-brands that support grassroots sport. Everything was created from the assets library to corporate and commercial collateral. We also created…

Custom Cake Studio

Your brand is a representation of your organisation’s values and ambitions.   It’s at the heart of all your visual communications and needs to perform effectively. Only Design creates and develops brands that speak clearly to your target market, placing you one step ahead of your competitors and increasing awareness, desirability, and vitally, sales of your…